
Infrared Spectrophotometer

Near Infra Red Spectrophotometers Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer(FTIR)

FTIR Spectrophotometers FTIR-P610

Wavelength Range 7800 - 375 cm -1
Interferometer Michelson Interferometer with 30 degree of Incidence angle
100% T line tilt range Better than 0.5 Ƭ % (2200~1900cm-1)
Resolution 1 cm-1

FTIR Spectrophotometers FTIR-P640

Spectral Range 7500-360 cm-1
Resolution Better than 2cm-1 (optional 0.9 cm-1)
Signal to Noise Ratio RMS is better than 15000:1
Wave number accuracy Better than 0.1 cm-1

NIR Spectrophotometer NIR-1100

Wavelength Range : 900 nm ~ 2500 nm
Accuracy : ≤ 0.2
Repeatability : ≤ 0.05
Measurement Transmission
Bandwidth 8 nm
Stray Light ≤ 0.1%

Spectrophotometers are widely used for colorimetric applications in various fields of biochemistry, physics and chemical industries. We carry wide array of products suitable for all the specific needs including clinical, laboratory or research and industrial market.

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